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Practice positive thinkingOver is challenging in 2020, we discussed the promise of a New Year.In order to open in 2021, please reflect on the past 12 months is good, the bad and the ugly, and consider how to improve your life, move on.

About fitness and healthNew Year's resolutionsAlways seems to be the most popular, and as a fitness equipment company, we completely agree with you.

In the past year, however, we proved our point of view of power.With the advent of COVID - 19, we face losses seem endless, constantly changing, and continued uncertainty, even the eternal optimist will also be some pessimism.(there is no blame meaning, because I admit that even in the absence of pandemics, my heart is also a negative thinker and a cynic).

Therefore, based on the spirit of new beginnings, we spend some time here to address why and how to start practicing positive thinking.

Practice positive thinking

According to WebMD.Positive thinking"In any particular case focus on good things practices", it can actually have a significant impact to your physical and mental health.Experts admit, "this does not mean that you ignore the reality or disparage problem," it is a conscious choice, with a positive expectation and prospect to treat the good and bad in life.

For many of us, this is easier said than done.

Practice positive thinking, however, is not an innate ability, but can be by learning and practicing habit.Although takes effort to train your propensity to thinking mode and personality type, but as long as there is determination, pessimists can be changed.

The benefits of positive thinking

With the support of scientific research, practice positive thinking is associated with a variety of physical and mental health benefits.


  • Better overall health
  • Greater immunity
  • Lower blood pressure
  • To reduce the risk of a heart attack
  • Pain tolerance to improve
  • In order to strengthen the management of pressure
  • Longer life

Psychological aspects

  • A better mood
  • Stronger response and the ability to solve the problem
  • Thinking more clearly
  • Reduce depression
  • Greater creativity

How to think positive

  1. Abandon the negative emotions.Admit that a bad thing, but don't automatically assume that everything will be very bad in the future.Loss of a job is really difficult, but this does not mean that you won't find a good job.Skip your workout is of no help, but it doesn't interfere with you at any time to start a new routine.
  2. Lose extreme practices.When bad things happen, forget "forever" and "always".For example, although COVID - 19 limitation is unpleasant, but it is wrong to assume that normal life will never recover.
  3. Reconsider your case.It sounds trite, but it is helpful to look for a chance.Blockade has always been a drag on the response to the gym, but I hope you can use the new virtual exercise, or purchase of fitness equipment, build a home gym.In order to stay at home, you may have to take a new hobby or cleaning the closet and organization.
  4. keepPoint of view, for gratitude.Although the bad thing is a part of life, but there is likely to be other people worse off than you.Realize your situation may actually be worse, and determine the way you can be thankful, shift your thinking.In a car accident, for example, was not hurt for you or your vehicle does not have crashed express gratitude.
  5. Where possible, search for a sense of humor.Sometimes you have to laugh - or at least smile - to deal with the many challenges in life.Of course, not everything is interesting, but where possible, seek side easily.
  6. letWith an optimistAt the same time.With positive people can help shift your point of view, and adjust your thinking.Friends, family, and colleagues can be in the process of hug you seek positive influence.